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3 posts tagged with "naming conventions"

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· 8 min read
Zayyad Muhammad Sani

Can naming feature flags be hard?

Yes. Just like variables in programming, naming feature flags can get tricky if you don't follow a naming standard. When feature flags don't have good names, it can be difficult for people using them to remember what they do. In this article, we'll see a few naming conventions we can use for feature flags.

Feature flag naming conventions cover

· 2 min read
Zoltan David

"Thank you guys, your rock."

We love to get emails like the one above. And sometimes we get 😃 Actually, more often than I've ever dared to imagine.

Part of the reasons our user love us (well, when they do) are those million little tweaks we do to our feature flag service on a daily basis.

Normally we don't share those little tweaks and updates