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2 posts tagged with "short lived flags"

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· 8 min read
Zayyad Muhammad Sani

Can naming feature flags be hard?

Yes. Just like variables in programming, naming feature flags can get tricky if you don't follow a naming standard. When feature flags don't have good names, it can be difficult for people using them to remember what they do. In this article, we'll see a few naming conventions we can use for feature flags.

Feature flag naming conventions cover

· 7 min read
David Herbert

Feature flags (aka. feature toggles) are becoming increasingly relevant in software development as they provide the ability to toggle features on or off in production, perform a gradual rollout of features and enable A/B testing experiments.

However, an often overlooked part of this feature flagging technique is that it introduces complexity and has inherent risks when said complexity isn't properly managed. As you're using more and more feature flags within your organization, it's important to understand that some of these flags are meant to last only for a short period and should, therefore, be removed from your codebase.

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