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6 posts tagged with "best practices"

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· 9 min read
Tímea Kopacz

As the world becomes increasingly digital and technology advances, so too do the threats. As a result, we must adapt and learn how to protect and safeguard our online presence, making robust cybersecurity measures more vital than ever before. This is especially important for companies, which generally have more at stake than individuals, necessitating a shift from outdated methods to new strategies to effectively combat cyber attacks.

A hacker fighting ConfigCat feature flags

· 8 min read
David Herbert

The conversation about ethics in technology has become increasingly vital as software continues to advance and intertwines deeply with our daily lives. Among the various pivotal tools at a developer's disposal, feature flags stand out due to their profound impact on user experience and business outcomes. They allow for the selective enabling and disabling of features without deploying new code, fundamentally transforming how features are rolled out, tested, and managed. This flexibility is revolutionary, facilitating dynamic changes to the software environment that can be tailored to diverse user groups and providing a robust platform for experimentation.

illustration of developer implementing feature flags

· 9 min read
David Herbert

The rapid pace of software development and the need to continuously deliver new features to stay competitive in today's market has introduced a unique set of challenges, one of which is security. With more and more software applications coming to play a pivotal role in user's daily lives, ensuring the security of these applications is paramount.

Security has become increasingly important for businesses and organizations of all sizes, especially in today's ever-evolving landscape, where cyber threats constantly loom around the corners like shadowy specters. As software systems become increasingly complex and cyberattacks become more prevalent, organizations need effective strategies and tools to bolster their security posture.

The question arising then is: How can they strike a harmonious balance between ensuring the security of their applications and meeting the relentless demand for innovation? One such tool that has gained prominence is feature flagging, and in this blog post, we'll examine how we can utilize it to enhance security while following best practices.

Feature Flagging for Security Cover Image

· 3 min read
Zoltan David
Roxana Halați

If you’ve been reading about feature flags then I’m sure you’re convinced of the power and value they provide. Since development is mostly a team effort, you may be wondering how to manage a feature flag within a team, regardless of size, so one developer’s work doesn’t affect another’s. Well, in this article, we discuss exactly this issue and offer two solutions, depending on the size of your team.


· 2 min read
Zoltan David

"Thank you guys, your rock."

We love to get emails like the one above. And sometimes we get 😃 Actually, more often than I've ever dared to imagine.

Part of the reasons our user love us (well, when they do) are those million little tweaks we do to our feature flag service on a daily basis.

Normally we don't share those little tweaks and updates