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Version: Config V1 (legacy)

Twilio Segment - Monitor your feature flag change events and feature flag analytics


There are two available integration opportunities between ConfigCat and Twilio Segment:

Sending feature flag change events to Twilio Segment

Ensures that every setting change in ConfigCat is sent to Segment as a track event.

Twilio Segment Feature Flag Changed event


  1. Have a Twilio Segment account.
  2. Add the ConfigCat source to your Twilio Segment account and copy the Write Key.
  3. Open the integrations tab on the ConfigCat Dashboard.
  4. Click on Twilio Segment's CONNECT button and set the Twilio Segment Write Key acquired while adding the ConfigCat source in Twilio Segment.
  5. OPTIONAL - Set the proper server of your Twilio Segment account. More about Segment servers.
  6. You're all set. Go ahead and make some changes on your feature flags, then check your events in Twilio Segment.


  1. Open the integrations tab on the ConfigCat Dashboard.
  2. Click on Twilio Segment's DISCONNECT button.

Event details

Every feature flag change event sent to Twilio Segment by ConfigCat has the following properties:

  • event name: Feature Flag Changed.
  • timestamp: When the change happened.
  • details: A brief summary of the change.
  • product_id, product_name: The product where the change happened.
  • config_id, config_name: The config where the change happened.
  • environment_id, environment_name: The environment where the change happened.
  • url: A direct link to the config/feature flag.
  • userId, user_email, user_full_name: Who made the changes.

Sending feature flag evaluation analytics to Twilio Segment

Ensures that feature flag evaluations are sent into the Twilio Segment ConfigCat source. With this integration, you can have advanced analytics about your feature flag usages, A/B test results in any of Segment's destinations.


  1. Add ConfigCat source in Twilio Segment: Add the ConfigCat source in Twilio Segment.
  2. Install SDKs: Add both the ConfigCat SDK and Segment SDK to your application.
  3. Configure SDKs:
    • ConfigCat SDK: Initialize with your ConfigCat SDK key.
    • Twilio Segment SDK: Set up with the Twilio Segment Write Key acquired while adding the ConfigCat source in Twilio Segment.
  4. Integrate Feature Flag Evaluations:
    • During the initialization of the ConfigCat SDK, subscribe to the flagEvaluated hook.
    • Send feature flag evaluation data to Twilio Segment using the Feature Flag Evaluated event name. Include the following parameters:
      • feature_flag_key: the feature flag's key.
      • value: the evaluated feature flag's value or Variation ID.
      • variation_id (optional): the evaluated feature flag's Variation ID.
      • userId (optional): the user object's identifier used during feature flag evaluation.
      • user (optional): the user object used during feature flag evaluation.

Code samples:

const segmentAnalytics = AnalyticsBrowser.load({ writeKey: "#YOUR_SEGMENT_WRITE_KEY#" });
segmentAnalytics.addSourceMiddleware(({payload, next}) => {
payload.obj.context.integration = payload.obj.context.integration || {};
payload.obj.context.integration['name'] = 'configcat';
payload.obj.context.integration['version'] = '1.0.0';

const configCatClient = configcat.getClient("#YOUR_SDK_KEY#", PollingMode.AutoPoll, {
setupHooks: (hooks) =>
hooks.on('flagEvaluated', evaluationDetails => {
if (evaluationDetails.user) {
segmentAnalytics.identify(evaluationDetails.user.identifier, evaluationDetails.user);
segmentAnalytics.track('Feature Flag Evaluated',
'feature_flag_key': evaluationDetails.key,
'value': evaluationDetails.value,
'variation_id': evaluationDetails.variationId,
'user': evaluationDetails.user

For Text feature flags with lengthy values (e.g., JSON), send the variationId instead of the value as the value to Twilio Segment. The variationId is a hashed version of the feature flag value, accessible on the ConfigCat Dashboard by enabling the Show VariationIDs to support A/B testing setting. Learn more here.

  1. Deploy your application and wait for feature flag evaluations to happen so feature flag evaluation events could be sent to Twilio Segment.
  2. Add the preferred destination in Twilio Segment for your source and configure your mappings.
  3. Enable the destination and leverage advanced feature flag analytics in the destination.

Example event

Check your source's debugger to see the events.

Twilio Segment event debugger