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Version: Config V2

Scan & Upload Code References Overview

ConfigCat's CLI has the ability to scan your source code for feature flag and setting usages and upload the found code references to ConfigCat.

This feature makes the elimination of the technical debt easier, as it can show which repositories reference your feature flags and settings in one centralized place on your Dashboard.

You can integrate the CLI into your CI/CD pipeline or use it with other execution mechanisms like scheduled jobs or VCS push triggered workflows.


The following example shows a simple scan execution that prints the scan result to the console. The scan command searches for every feature flag and setting key defined within a selected Config.


If you want to see this in action on your project, run the following command in its root folder:

configcat scan . --print

See the scan command's reference documentation for all available command parameters.

Deleted Flags

As part of the scanning operation, the CLI gathers each deleted feature flag and setting from the last 180 days and looks for their usages in your source code. When it finds a reference for a deleted feature flag or setting, it prints out a warning that lists their keys.

[warning]: 5 deleted feature flag/setting reference(s) found in 4 file(s). Keys: [featureThatWasDeleted1, featureThatWasDeleted2]

Exclude Flags from Scanning

There's an option to exclude feature flags or settings from the scanning operation by their keys.

configcat scan <dir> --exclude-flag-keys featureFlagToExclude1 featureFlagToExclude2

Config ID

In non-interactive environments, like in a CI/CD pipeline, you have to pass the ID of your ConfigCat Config that you want to scan against. The scanner will use this ID to determine which feature flags & settings to search for in your source code.

To get the ID of a Config, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to your ConfigCat Dashboard, select the desired Config, and click the code references icon on one of your feature flags.
ConfigCat code references button
  1. Copy the Config ID from the highlighted box.
ConfigCat Config ID

How Scanning Works

The scanner looks for feature flag and setting keys between quotation marks (' " `) in the first place.


There's an option to extend the feature flag and setting key usage regex patterns with the --usage-patterns argument of the scan command.

configcat scan <dir> --usage-patterns "<pattern1>" "<pattern2>"

Usage patterns can also be set via the CONFIGCAT_USAGE_PATTERNS environment variable as a comma delimited list.

export CONFIGCAT_USAGE_PATTERNS="<pattern1>,<pattern2>";

The regex pattern must include the CC_KEY placeholder that represents the actual feature flag or setting key in your code. For example, the following pattern allows the recognition of Ruby symbols as flag key usages:

configcat scan <dir> --usage-patterns ":CC_KEY"

It will match for the following usage:

if FeatureFlags.enabled(:my_feature_key)


The found keys' context is examined for aliases, like variables, constants, or enumerations used to store these keys. Aliases are treated as indirect references and are included in the searching process.

For example, the following C# constant's name (MyAwesomeFeature) will be recognized as an alias:

public static class FeatureFlagKeys
public const string MyAwesomeFeature = "my_awesome_feature";

The scanner will treat this constant's usage as an indirect reference to the flag.

if (await configCatClient.GetValueAsync(FeatureFlagKeys.MyAwesomeFeature, false))
// the feature is on.

The alias recognition adapts to the characteristics of different languages.
For example, it can find aliases in Go constants/variable assignments:

const (
myAwesomeFeature string = "my_awesome_feature"

myAwesomeFeature := "my_awesome_feature"

And in Swift enums/variable assignments as well:

enum FlagKeys : String {
case MyAwesomeFeature = "my_awesome_feature"

let myAwesomeFeature: String = "my_awesome_feature"

You can check here a bunch of other samples that we tested.


An alias must be at least 30% identical to the feature flag/setting key. The similarity check is case insensitive and ignores _ characters. This behavior prevents false recognitions in expressions like <input type="text" value="my_awesome_feature"> where value shouldn't be treated as alias.

Custom alias match patterns

There's an option to set custom regex patterns for identifying additional aliases. The scan command accepts a list of patterns via the --alias-patterns argument.

configcat scan <dir> --alias-patterns "<pattern1>" "<pattern2>"

The CLI also accepts patterns from the CONFIGCAT_ALIAS_PATTERNS environment variable as a comma delimited list.

export CONFIGCAT_ALIAS_PATTERNS="<pattern1>,<pattern2>";

Match pattern format

The regex pattern must include at least one capture group that represents the actual alias. When more than one group is defined, the first one is selected. To bind the actual flag keys to aliases, the CLI uses a CC_KEY placeholder to inject the known keys into the pattern.

For example, the following pattern allows to find aliases that point to Ruby symbols:

configcat scan <dir> --alias-patterns "(\w+) = client\.get_value\(:CC_KEY"

It will match to the following usage:

# 'my_feature_enabled' now is treated as an alias to the 'my_feature_key' flag.
my_feature_enabled = client.get_value(:my_feature_key, false)

The CLI implicitly adds the optional `, ', " wrapping around flag keys, so you don't have to wrap the CC_KEY placeholder manually.

For example, the pattern (\w+) = CC_KEY will either match to alias = flag_key, alias = "flag_key", alias = 'flag_key', or alias = `flag_key` .


In addition to aliases, the scanner also looks for different feature flag/setting key usage patterns. This helps to recognize functions and properties used to wrap direct ConfigCat SDK calls as indirect references. Aliases are also included in this search.

For example, the scanner will treat the IsMyAwesomeFeatureEnabled function of the following C# wrapper class as an indirect reference:

public class FeatureFlagProvider
public async Task<bool> IsMyAwesomeFeatureEnabled(bool defaultValue = false)
return await configCatClient.GetValueAsync("my_awesome_feature", defaultValue);

And will include its usage in the scan report:

if (await featureFlagProvider.IsMyAwesomeFeatureEnabled())
// the feature is on.

The scanner uses the following patterns to look for wrapper usages (case insensitive):

  • [.|->|::]{settingKeyOrAlias}
  • [.|->|::]get{settingKeyOrAlias}
  • [.|->|::]is{settingKeyOrAlias}
  • [.|->|::]is{settingKeyOrAlias}enabled

Given the key/alias my_awesome_feature, the scanner will find any of the following usage examples:

  • .my_awesome_feature (also: ->my_awesome_feature / ::my_awesome_feature)
  • .get_my_awesome_feature (also: ->get_my_awesome_feature / ::get_my_awesome_feature)
  • .is_my_awesome_feature (also: ->is_my_awesome_feature / ::is_my_awesome_feature)
  • .is_my_awesome_feature_enabled (also: ->is_my_awesome_feature_enabled / ::is_my_awesome_feature_enabled)
  • .myAwesomeFeature (also: ->myAwesomeFeature / ::myAwesomeFeature)
  • .getMyAwesomeFeature (also: ->getMyAwesomeFeature / ::getMyAwesomeFeature)
  • .isMyAwesomeFeature (also: ->isMyAwesomeFeature / ::isMyAwesomeFeature)
  • .isMyAwesomeFeatureEnabled (also: ->isMyAwesomeFeatureEnabled / ::isMyAwesomeFeatureEnabled)
  • .IsMyAwesomeFeatureEnabled (also: ->IsMyAwesomeFeatureEnabled / ::IsMyAwesomeFeatureEnabled)

Upload Scan Reports

You have the option to upload scan reports for each branch of your repository to ConfigCat. Each scan report is associated to one of these branches.

The following screenshot shows how an uploaded report looks like.

ConfigCat code references report

Scanning Git Repositories

The scan command automatically detects when it's being executed on a git repository. It collects additional information from Git like the current branch name, the actual commit hash, and each active remote branch. These extra details are used to enrich the uploaded report on the ConfigCat Dashboard with links to your actual source code.


If you are not using Git as VCS, you have to set at least the --branch parameter of the scan command.

Template URLs

The scan command's --file-url-template and --commit-url-template parameters are used for generating links to your repository. Based on the information available during the scanning, the CLI replaces the corresponding template parameters to generate the actual links.

  • File URL template: Used to generate VCS file links.
    Available template parameters:

    • commitHash
    • filePath
    • lineNumber

    With the following example template URL:{commitHash}/{filePath}#L{lineNumber}
    For the file src/example.js, the result is:

  • Commit URL template: Used to generate VCS commit links.
    Available template parameters:

    • commitHash

    With the following example template URL:{commitHash}
    For the commit hash 4451d61b63a4b4499ed5c607be6c40ce9eeadb9c, the result is:


When these template URLs are not set, the uploaded report will not contain VCS links.

Stale Branches

When the scan is executed on a Git repository, the CLI attaches the currently active remote branches to the uploaded report. This information is used for cleaning up each stale report that belongs to a deleted branch.

CI/CD Integrations

We prepared the following integrations to simplify the usage of the scanner in your CI/CD workflow:

Manual Integration

If your workflow doesn't have an integration, you can follow the instructions here to set scan executions directly with the ConfigCat CLI.

Ignore Files

The scan command respects all include and exclude patterns listed inside .gitignore and .ignore files within the scanned directory. In addition, you can create an extra .ccignore file with patterns that the scanner must take into account.

Each pattern must follow the gitignore pattern format.