control panel with physical switches

A feature flag platform is a tool that enables developers to manage the rollout of new features or changes to their applications in a controlled and safe manner. By using feature flags, developers can make changes to their codebase without having to deploy a new version of their application. This allows for faster iteration and experimentation and makes it easier to roll back changes if necessary. With the right feature flag platform in your corner, your team can move faster and with more confidence – making your users happy in the process.

ConfigCat is a feature flag service that takes 10 minutes to learn.
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How can you use a feature flag platform?

There is no shortage of potential use cases for a feature flag platform. Let's break down some of the most popular use cases for feature flagging tools.

Product testing

Using feature flags, developers can push new features or changes to a small group of users before making them widely available. This allows for early feedback and helps to ensure that the changes do not break the existing application. It is also a great way to test out new features or changes in a production environment without impacting all users. You can isolate the risk of deployment to a small group of users while still getting the benefits of real-world testing.

Feature rollback illustration

Canary launches

A canary launch is a type of release where a new version of an application or feature is made available to a small group of users before being rolled out to the entire user base. Canary launches are often used in conjunction with A/B testing to compare the results of the new version against the existing version. Feature flagging platforms make canary launches easy to set up and manage.

Easier rollbacks

If something goes wrong with a new feature or change, you can use a feature flag to quickly and easily roll back the change. This is much simpler than having to deploy a new version of your application, and it can help minimizing disruptions for your users. A feature flag platform can give you the confidence to experiment and iterate quickly, knowing that you can always roll back changes if necessary.

Feature rollback illustration

Continuous delivery

Feature flagging tools can help to automate the process of delivering new features or changes to your users. By using feature flags, you can push changes live without having to go through the process of creating a new build and deploying it. This allows for a more continuous delivery process and it can help with speeding up the overall release cycle.

What is the best feature flag example?

Developers utilize feature flags to enable or disable features in their applications. One example of how this could be used is to launch a new feature to a small group of users first, before making it available to the entire user base. By doing this, you can gather feedback and ensure that the new feature does not break the existing application.

ConfigCat is a feature flag service that takes 10 minutes to learn.
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What are some feature flag best practices?

When it comes to using feature flag tools, there are a few important best practices to consider.

Use a single system for feature flag management

Leveraging multiple tools for feature flag management can quickly become complex and difficult to manage. It is important to use a single system for managing feature flags so that you can have a clear overview of all the features and changes that are being made. This will help to avoid confusion and ensure that everyone on the team is on the same page.

Clean up and remove obsolete flags

Over time, your application will change and evolve, and certain features or changes will no longer be relevant. It is important to clean up obsolete flags on a regular basis so that you can keep your application lean and efficient. This will also help to avoid confusion and ensure that everyone on the team is aware of the current state of the application.

Ensure that feature flags are properly documented

Feature flags should be properly documented so that everyone on the team is aware of what each flag represents. This will ensure the correct flags are being used for their intended purposes.

Prevent dependencies between flags

When creating feature flags, it is important to avoid dependencies between flags. You should avoid situations where one flag needs to be enabled in order for another flag to work. This can quickly become complex and difficult to manage, so it is important to keep things simple and independent.

When are feature flags necessary?

The overuse of feature flags can quickly lead to a messy and difficult-to-maintain codebase. They should be used sparingly, and only when absolutely necessary. To avoid creating a convoluted codebase, it is important to take the time to consider whether a feature flag is really the best solution for the problem at hand.

How To Pick The Right Feature Flagging Platform

While there is no shortage of feature flagging tools on the market, few are well-equipped to meet the challenges faced by developers. If you want to hit the ground running with feature flags, ConfigCat will kickstart the process in no time at all. This feature flag service is takes only 10 minutes to learn. With incredible support and no hidden surprises, ConfigCat is the perfect choice for developers who want to get started with feature flags without any hassle. Take ConfigCat for a test drive today. Created by developers for developers with ❤️.

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