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Version: Config V2

OpenFeature Provider for .NET

ConfigCat OpenFeature Provider for .NET on GitHub

Getting started

1. Install the provider

Install-Package OpenFeature.Contrib.Providers.ConfigCat

2. Initialize the provider

The ConfigCatProvider constructor takes the SDK key and an optional callback that can be used to specify additional configuration options for the ConfigCat .NET SDK:

using System;
using ConfigCat.Client;
using OpenFeature.Contrib.ConfigCat;

// Specify options for the ConfigCat SDK.
Action<ConfigCat.Client.Configuration.ConfigCatClientOptions> configureOptions = (options) =>
options.PollingMode = PollingModes.AutoPoll(pollInterval: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60));
options.Logger = new ConsoleLogger(LogLevel.Warning);
// ...

// Configure the provider.
await OpenFeature.Api.Instance.SetProviderAsync(new ConfigCatProvider("#YOUR-SDK-KEY#", configureOptions));

// Create a client.
var client = OpenFeature.Api.Instance.GetClient();

For more information about all the configuration options, see the .NET SDK documentation.

3. Evaluate your feature flag

var isAwesomeFeatureEnabled = await client.GetBooleanValueAsync("isAwesomeFeatureEnabled", false);
if (isAwesomeFeatureEnabled)

4. Cleaning up

On application shutdown, clean up the OpenFeature provider and the underlying ConfigCat client.

await OpenFeature.Api.Instance.ShutdownAsync();

Evaluation Context

An evaluation context in the OpenFeature specification is a container for arbitrary contextual data that can be used as a basis for feature flag evaluation. The ConfigCat provider translates these evaluation contexts to ConfigCat User Objects.

The following table shows how the different context attributes are mapped to User Object attributes.

Evaluation contextUser ObjectRequired
Any otherCustom

To evaluate feature flags for a context, use the OpenFeature Evaluation API:

var context = OpenFeature.Model.EvaluationContext.Builder()
.Set("Id", "#SOME-USER-ID#")
.Set("Email", "[email protected]")
.Set("Country", "CountryID")
.Set("Rating", 4.5)
.Set("RegisteredAt", DateTime.Parse("2023-11-22 12:34:56 +00:00", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))

var isAwesomeFeatureEnabled = await client.GetBooleanValueAsync("isAwesomeFeatureEnabled", false, context);

Look under the hood