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Update Integration



This endpoint updates a Config identified by the integrationId parameter.

The Parameters dictionary differs for each IntegrationType:

  • Datadog
    • apikey: Required. Datadog API key.
    • site: Datadog site. Available values: Us, Eu, Us1Fed, Us3, Us5. Default: Us.
  • Slack
    Connecting the Slack integration through the Public Management API will not post messages with the ConfigCat Feature Flags Slack app but with an incoming webhook.
    • incoming_webhook.url: Required. The incoming webhook URL where the integration should post messages.
  • Amplitude
    • apiKey: Required. Amplitude API Key.
    • secretKey: Required. Amplitude Secret Key.
  • Mixpanel
    • serviceAccountUserName: Required. Mixpanel Service Account Username.
    • serviceAccountSecret: Required. Mixpanel Service Account Secret.
    • projectId: Required. Mixpanel Project ID.
    • server: Mixpanel Server. Available values: StandardServer, EUResidencyServer. Default: StandardServer.
  • Twilio Segment
    • writeKey: Required. Twilio Segment Write Key.
    • server: Twilio Segment Server. Available values: Us, Eu. Default: Us.
  • PubNub (work in progress)


Path Parameters

    integrationId uuidrequired

    The identifier of the Integration.



    name stringrequired

    Possible values: non-empty

    Name of the Integration.




    Parameters of the Integration.

    property name* stringnullable
    environmentIds uuid[]required

    List of Environment IDs that are connected with this Integration. If the list is empty, all of the Environments are connected.

    configIds uuid[]required

    List of Config IDs that are connected with this Integration. If the list is empty, all of the Configs are connected.





    Details of the Product.



    Details of the Organization.

    organizationId uuid

    Identifier of the Organization.

    name stringnullable

    Name of the Organization.

    productId uuid

    Identifier of the Product.

    name stringnullable

    Name of the Product.

    description stringnullable

    Description of the Product.

    order int32

    The order of the Product represented on the ConfigCat Dashboard. Determined from an ascending sequence of integers.

    reasonRequired boolean

    Determines whether a mandatory reason must be given every time when the Feature Flags or Settings within a Product are saved.

    integrationId uuid

    Identifier of the Integration.

    name stringnullable

    Name of the Integration.

    integrationType string

    Possible values: [dataDog, slack, amplitude, mixPanel, segment, pubNub]

    Type of the Integration.




    Parameters of the Integration.

    property name* stringnullable
    environmentIds uuid[]nullable

    List of Environment IDs that are connected with this Integration. If the list is empty, all of the Environments are connected.

    configIds uuid[]nullable

    List of Config IDs that are connected with this Integration. If the list is empty, all of the Configs are connected.
