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2 posts tagged with "user story"

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· 5 min read
Tímea Kopacz

In the ever-evolving world of software development, the ability to create personalized and dynamic user experiences is paramount. This article explores how InfluxDB, a prominent time-series database solution, leveraged ConfigCat's feature flags to enhance their Cloud 2 user testing processes. The insights shared in this article are based on a video presentation by Gavin Cabbage from InfluxDB.

InfluxData and ConfigCat logo cover

· 8 min read
Raluca Mihăilă

At the beginning of this year, Andrew Reeman from Control Point was kind enough to join our conversation about what we actually do differently at ConfigCat, or at least interesting enough so that it only makes sense for our clients to stick with us and for those who didn’t try our approach and products, to do so.
