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4 posts tagged with "sample app"

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· 6 min read
Roxana Halați

In software development, being quick is always an asset. In a world where everything moves at a nauseating speed, you can’t afford to waste time. This means every second counts, especially when it comes to loading a website! Fortunately, frameworks are constantly evolving and becoming faster and lighter every day. In this written piece, we'll look at development in Qwik with the help of feature flags.

Cover Image Feature Flags in Qwik

· 8 min read
Roxana Halați

Sending your code out into the world can be a nerve-wracking experience. Regardless of how much testing you do beforehand, you’re never quite sure if everything will work according to plan. Even if it’s the case, during an applications life-time, you’ll need to redeploy your code many times. Code redeployment means time, money and a lot of hassle.

Fortunately, feature flags are useful tools that can help reduce the need for code redeployment as well as enable you to test your changes in production without affecting the end-user. In this article, I’ll show you how to make use of feature toggles in a React-like framework. So…

feature flags in preact cover

· 7 min read
Roxana Halați

Autumn of 2021 saw the release of the newest .NET version, .NET6. This new release brought some updates that could potentially make a developer’s life easier, such as improved performance and a simpler development process. With less code to write and productivity tools like hot reloading, the new .NET was quickly adopted by developers all over the world.


Even before the new release, .NET had a wide range of utilities and has risen to become of the most popular frameworks available. Whether you’re migrating from an older version or just getting started on a new project, you may be wondering what feature management solutions are available to you. I wondered as well, so in this tutorial, I’ll go over one of the best - using feature flags.

· 6 min read
Roxana Halați

Java is one of the most widely used programming languages. Whether you've used it, know someone who has, studied it in university, or despise it, it's no surprise that many software products are developed in Java. So, keep reading if you want to learn how to quickly enable features in Java, with no redeployment and no fuss.

Cover Image ConfigCat and Java