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4 posts tagged with "reliability"

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· 6 min read
Zayyad Muhammad Sani

Government agencies, with their strict security requirements, often face difficulties in fully embracing DevSecOps practices. Balancing the need for rapid feature releases with robust security measures poses a challenge. Feature flags offer a promising solution in this context. By seamlessly integrating into DevOps and DevSecOps pipelines, they can empower government agencies to effectively manage feature releases while maintaining high levels of security.

On and off feature flags crossed

· 6 min read
Marko Benjak

After using a certain tool, feature, or framework in expanding projects, things will start to look more complicated. You begin to wonder if everything is up to standards. Are things implemented correctly and are we following the best practices at the moment, so we have an easier time in the future? The short answer is probably not, because it's impossible.

Every project is different, and it requires an individual approach which will have to have some shortcuts. That being the case, each tool has a certain set of advice on what not to do. If followed, projects can avoid looming pitfalls.

feature flags downfalls cover photo

Feature flags are an innovative way of feature management. By using it, you can flag the component and easily disable or enable a feature. This can be done without redeploying the application, and it can target specific clients, regions, or any other category needed.

· 6 min read
Zoltan David
David Herbert

Clients with global customer bases often hesitate to use feature flags for specific use cases due to concerns regarding possible latency and slow response time. Feature flags let you launch new features and change your software configuration without (re)deploying code.

That's why fast response time is of great importance at ConfigCat. For context, ConfigCat is a developer-centric feature flag service with unlimited team size, awesome support, and a reasonable price tag.

To that end, ConfigCat provides data centers at numerous global locations to ensure high availability and fast response time all around the globe. These data centers are all equipped with multiple CDN nodes to guarantee proper redundancy and multiple layers of load balancing based on geolocation to achieve speed, throughput, reliability, and compliance. Thanks to a previous DDoS incident, ConfigCat also got the chance to test its infrastructure in real life and made preemptive security improvements. Cover photo

· 5 min read
Csilla Kisfaludi

When we designed ConfigCat, our main purpose was to create an architecture that is scalable and resilient to short interruptions, so you don't have to worry about latency, service outages, and unwanted glitches in the system.

ConfigCat's Global CDN map