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3 posts tagged with "phased rollout"

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· 4 min read
Vlad Spatariu

Software development is a really challenging endeavor. A lot of time and energy has to go into making sure that customers like what you're building for them.

Many people make the mistake of thinking that product development mainly consists of coding. Developing a product (ideally) needs specialists, managers, tactics, and various tools. A good idea can indeed go a long way, but if you want to give your product the highest possible chance to penetrate the market, then you need to allocate all possible resources that you have available to throw at it.

Gradual rollout with feature flags cover

· 8 min read
David Herbert

In a traditional software development workflow, whenever there are updates or feature releases to be made, they are typically tied to a single major deployment to production. As a result, the frequency of feature delivery is slower and a lot riskier because there’s a lot more at stake with each deployment if things don't go as planned.

That is to say that releases should not be tied to deployments but rather, decoupled from them. Due to this reason, in a continuous delivery environment, it is considered best practice to decouple feature releases from deployments as it allows for more incremental releases.

Hence, understanding the concept of decoupling releases from deployment and how feature flags can make that possible is a key for any team.

· 10 min read
David Herbert

Building a modern application often involves building it as a microservice, which provides developers with more flexibility and agility in terms of deployment options. However, deployment can either be a joy or a nightmare, depending on the strategy used, whether it's deploying microservices, testing new features, updating a business logic, or releasing a new version entirely? With every code change pushed, comes the risk of potential failures, which could be as a result of bad code quality or unexpected bugs, and this can potentially disrupt the user's experience.

Hence, picking an efficient deployment strategy is key to mitigating these deployment risks and not having to constantly disrupt your user’s experience by going into downtimes or completely having to go offline whenever there is something to be deployed.