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2 posts tagged with "Ionic"

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· 6 min read
Emil Kovačević

The world population continues to grow, and so does the number of house pets. While we all hope most of them have a good quality of life, some don't have a home. To combat this, we can make an animal care app. In this blog post, the app's objective is to increase the pet adoption rate. We will change the color of our call-to-action button and measure the click-through rate of each button version using A/B testing.


· 10 min read
Manuel Popa

We live in a world overflowing with information, where we’re connected and online almost every single day. Informational overload is a real thing, and we should all be aware enough not to fall victim to this behavioral pattern loop.

To-do lists are a real "Hail Mary" in today’s clickbait-centric and attention-grabbing world, so I figured that it’d be fun for us to build our very own to-do app from scratch, using Ionic and ConfigCat's feature flags.

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