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69 posts tagged with "feature management"

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· 8 min read
Chavez Harris

When it comes to releasing new features, it is often difficult to anticipate how users will react and interact with them. This is where A/B testing comes in useful. It provides a mechanism to test and evaluate two variations of an app to determine which is better by releasing them to an isolated user segment before a full deployment. This level of flexibility allows developers to quickly experiment with new features without affecting the production environment.

How to use feature flags in GO cover

· 10 min read
Emil Kovačević

Game development is a complex process that requires constant updates and testing to ensure all ongoing projects run smoothly. When developing games, developers must decide what features to include in their games. However, deciding which features to include can be difficult when there are bugs or other issues with the game. A good way to fix this problem is by using feature flags. By enabling temporary artificial limits on gameplay, game developers can quickly test out changes without affecting their current games. This allows them to quickly fix any issues with the new functionality before making larger updates to their games.

In this tutorial, I will demonstrate how to set ConfigCat flags in Unity.

feature flags in unity cover photo

· 9 min read
Chavez Harris

Have you ever rolled out a new feature only to discover it is problematic? Situations like this can be costly for your users and organization. Is there a way to avoid this? This is where A/B testing comes in handy. An A/B test involves releasing two variations of your app to a limited number of users to see how they react to them. As part of this process, metrics and feedback from each variation are collected to figure out which one is better.

feature flags ab testing in iOS cover

· 5 min read
Chavez Harris

With the rapid growth of software development, managing and releasing new features has become an integral part of our workflows. By using a feature flagging tool, you and your team can remotely release new features and manage what features users can see.

This level of control lets you quickly experiment with new features and roll them back if they prove to be problematic.

ConfigCat feature flags in AlpineJS

· 8 min read
Chavez Harris

Will showing the number of book copies sold on my website encourage more people to buy it? To answer this question confidently, I can rely upon A/B testing for guidance. This method of testing allows us to evaluate two versions of a website or app by releasing them to different user segments to see which one performs better.

Cover photo

· 7 min read
David Herbert

Cover Image

When deploying code, one of the best ways to ensure it's high quality, meets user or business requirements, and works as it should is by feature flagging it. Feature flags are a great way to control the release of new code or features in your software, as feature flags make it possible to test new code on specific users or a group of users before releasing them to everyone.

Feature flagging allows you and your team to easily experiment with new features or make changes to existing ones without deploying a new software version. Furthermore, feature flags make it possible for you and your team to seamlessly execute trunk-based development by facilitating continuous deployments and ensuring code integration reliability.

This guide will cover how we can use feature flags to introduce new features in a Svelte application.

· 6 min read
Emil Kovačević

The world population continues to grow, and so does the number of house pets. While we all hope most of them have a good quality of life, some don't have a home. To combat this, we can make an animal care app. In this blog post, the app's objective is to increase the pet adoption rate. We will change the color of our call-to-action button and measure the click-through rate of each button version using A/B testing.


· 5 min read
Chavez Harris

The goal of software development workflows is geared toward releasing new features and updates, which can sometimes cause issues if not handled correctly. In my opinion, using feature flags has proven to be essential in situations like these. You can use them to easily deploy new features, and if there are bugs you can quickly turn a feature off, then turned it on again when they have been fixed without having to redeploy the app.

ConfigCat feature flags in Inferno.js

· 3 min read
Zoltan David
Roxana Halați

If you’ve been reading about feature flags then I’m sure you’re convinced of the power and value they provide. Since development is mostly a team effort, you may be wondering how to manage a feature flag within a team, regardless of size, so one developer’s work doesn’t affect another’s. Well, in this article, we discuss exactly this issue and offer two solutions, depending on the size of your team.
