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77 posts tagged with "feature management"

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Using feature flags in your CI/CD pipelines

· 4 min read
Chavez Harris
Inspiration does exist, but it must find you writing code.

Continuous Integration and Continuous Development/Deployment, most commonly abbreviated as CI/CD has changed and improved the way modern software is developed and shipped. When compared to traditional approaches which had a definite end, the CI/CD process is always ongoing with a strong emphasis on automation. As a result, new features and updates are steadily released to end users. This puts a huge overhead on developers and stakeholders to manage features efficiently. But, with the right feature management tool in place, this can be streamlined and simplified without much overhead, if any at all.

ConfigCat feature flags in CI/CD pipelines

How to use feature flags in a FaaS application

· 6 min read
Chavez Harris
Inspiration does exist, but it must find you writing code.

With the rise of cloud computing, Function as a Service (FaaS) services are becoming quite popular in the software industry. This is in part due to them not requiring the setup and implementation of a backend server to process and respond to data requests. This allows developers to focus on doing what they do best, writing better code.

By integrating such a service with feature flags, you can expand the way your functions work by toggling functionalities on or off and even rolling them back if anything goes wrong. Added to that, there is no limit on the number of feature flags you can implement, and they can be integrated into just about any language and framework out there.

using feature flags in a faas application cover

How to implement A/B testing in .NET?

· 9 min read
Emil Kovačević
Code hard, debug harder.

It has become very common to use e-commerce websites to conduct shopping. Today, e-commerce is a large and competitive market with many options for consumers to choose from. Because of this, E-Commerce companies need to find ways to differentiate themselves and retain customers. One popular method that companies use to improve their website's performance and drive up sales is to conduct A/B testing.

By doing A/B tests, businesses can test different versions of their web pages and app features to see which ones perform best with their audience.

A/B testing in .NET Cover photo

Using Feature Flags with Unreal Engine's Python API

· 5 min read
Chavez Harris
Inspiration does exist, but it must find you writing code.

Feature flags have equipped software developers with the ability to seamlessly roll out and roll back new features with the click of a button.

Due to their design and architecture, feature flags can be adapted and integrated into many languages and frameworks. They can also be used with other technologies to enhance or add decoupled functionalities. Using them in a real-time 3D creation tool like Unreal Engine is no exception to this.


What is a Feature Flag Management System?

· 9 min read
Emil Kovačević
Code hard, debug harder.

Software development workflows change over time, and they involve an organized plan of development tasks. Today, these tasks build up the software incrementally. The industry standard for tracking code changes is the source code management tool - Git. But, besides Git, there is another great thing that helps development teams. It is a feature management system. Read on to learn what a Feature Management System is, and its use in software development.

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How to use ConfigCat's feature flags with Elmah

· 7 min read
Chavez Harris
Inspiration does exist, but it must find you writing code.

With a well-implemented feature flagging solution in place, your end users' experience should not be interrupted during feature rollouts. If unforeseen bugs are later discovered in the new feature, you should be able to easily roll it back without redeploying your application. In my opinion, feature flags are most useful in situations like these and are becoming quite popular in the software industry for releasing and controlling existing features throughout many applications. Because of their flexible nature, feature flags can be integrated and used alongside existing technologies to enhance day-to-day operations.


How to use feature flags in Go

· 4 min read
Chavez Harris
Inspiration does exist, but it must find you writing code.

Before feature flags, releasing a new feature would require taking your application offline to make changes, then redeploying it. In addition, if you find bugs after the release, you'll have to start the process from scratch. Despite being a traditional approach, this won't serve your users and your business well today. A feature flagging solution allows you to release and even roll back features without downtime with just a few clicks.

Feature flags in go cover

A/B Testing React Native Apps with Feature Flags

· 7 min read
Chavez Harris
Inspiration does exist, but it must find you writing code.

Suppose you have two variations of a software product but you're not sure which one to deploy. The solution would be to conduct an A/B test in which you can release each variation to a small percentage of users. This would allow you to gather concrete evidence from real users to help you decide which variation is better without affecting your entire user base. This type of testing has proven to be useful by many software companies around the world to scale and streamline their products and services.

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A/B Testing in Go with Feature Flags

· 8 min read
Chavez Harris
Inspiration does exist, but it must find you writing code.

When it comes to releasing new features, it is often difficult to anticipate how users will react and interact with them. This is where A/B testing comes in useful. It provides a mechanism to test and evaluate two variations of an app to determine which is better by releasing them to an isolated user segment before a full deployment. This level of flexibility allows developers to quickly experiment with new features without affecting the production environment.

How to use feature flags in GO cover

How to use feature flags in Unity

· 10 min read
Emil Kovačević
Code hard, debug harder.

Game development is a complex process that requires constant updates and testing to ensure all ongoing projects run smoothly. When developing games, developers must decide what features to include in their games. However, deciding which features to include can be difficult when there are bugs or other issues with the game. A good way to fix this problem is by using feature flags. By enabling temporary artificial limits on gameplay, game developers can quickly test out changes without affecting their current games. This allows them to quickly fix any issues with the new functionality before making larger updates to their games.

In this tutorial, I will demonstrate how to set ConfigCat flags in Unity.

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