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26 posts tagged with "configcat"

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Integration Testing with ConfigCat's Public API

· 6 min read
Chavez Harris
Inspiration does exist, but it must find you writing code.

Feature flags are essential for effective feature release and management. Using them, we can control what features end users can see and which should remain hidden. Feature flagging allows developers to plan, launch and test new features remotely without editing code. While these benefits are fantastic, what about code testing? Having some methods in place for testing the integration of feature flags in our code can increase the likelihood of smooth feature integrations.

Using feature flags in integration tests cover

Choosing a SaaS Provider - Questions and Considerations

· 4 min read
David Herbert
Changing the world, one line of code at a time

Choosing the right SaaS (Software as a Service) provider is a crucial decision for any organization. When evaluating potential vendors, it's essential to have a clear understanding of their security measures, service level agreements, and other factors that may impact your business.

Here are some key questions to help guide your evaluation process. Questions for SaaS provider

Feature Flags in Microfrontend Architecture

· 7 min read
David Herbert
Changing the world, one line of code at a time

In today's fast-paced world, the web development landscape is constantly evolving, with user expectations for fast and responsive applications driving innovation. The need for more modular, scalable, and maintainable architectures is more crucial than ever, as web applications are now required to be highly adaptable and feature-rich.

This has led to the rise of Microfrontends, an architectural approach that addresses the challenges faced by large frontend development teams working on monolithic frontend applications. Microfrontends have emerged as a solution to this challenge by breaking down these frontend monoliths into smaller, manageable components owned by cross-functional teams to facilitate the independent delivery of updates and new features. What are Microfrontends

Boosting Software Dev and Delivery with Feature Flags

· 7 min read
Alex Milea
Alex Milea
Surf the code.

Software development and delivery is a dynamic process that requires constant adaptation and frequent testing. Therefore, how can you ensure that your code is reliable and secure? Can you test new features without disrupting or compromising service performance? How can you enable your teams to innovate quickly and efficiently?

The answer is feature flags.

Red cat launching rocket

Announcing ConfigCat and Zapier Integration

· 5 min read
David Herbert
Changing the world, one line of code at a time

While there may not be a one-size-fits-all solution for optimizing workflow and maximizing productivity, you can often put things in place to really up your productivity game. At ConfigCat, we understand this and strive to provide our customers with the essential integration tools to help automate their feature flagging workflow.

For this reason, we are thrilled to announce that ConfigCat now has an official integration with Zapier, a powerful automation tool. With this Zapier integration, you can now connect ConfigCat with over 5,000+ apps, unlocking a new level of automation for your feature flagging workflow. This allows you to make things happen on autopilot without ever having to touch them after the initial integration. And you know what's most interesting about this integration? No code is required! It's like having superpowers. zapier ConfigCat integration

How to use feature flags in a FaaS application

· 6 min read
Chavez Harris
Inspiration does exist, but it must find you writing code.

With the rise of cloud computing, Function as a Service (FaaS) services are becoming quite popular in the software industry. This is in part due to them not requiring the setup and implementation of a backend server to process and respond to data requests. This allows developers to focus on doing what they do best, writing better code.

By integrating such a service with feature flags, you can expand the way your functions work by toggling functionalities on or off and even rolling them back if anything goes wrong. Added to that, there is no limit on the number of feature flags you can implement, and they can be integrated into just about any language and framework out there.

using feature flags in a faas application cover

How to use ConfigCat's feature flags with Elmah

· 7 min read
Chavez Harris
Inspiration does exist, but it must find you writing code.

With a well-implemented feature flagging solution in place, your end users' experience should not be interrupted during feature rollouts. If unforeseen bugs are later discovered in the new feature, you should be able to easily roll it back without redeploying your application. In my opinion, feature flags are most useful in situations like these and are becoming quite popular in the software industry for releasing and controlling existing features throughout many applications. Because of their flexible nature, feature flags can be integrated and used alongside existing technologies to enhance day-to-day operations.


A/B Testing React Native Apps with Feature Flags

· 7 min read
Chavez Harris
Inspiration does exist, but it must find you writing code.

Suppose you have two variations of a software product but you're not sure which one to deploy. The solution would be to conduct an A/B test in which you can release each variation to a small percentage of users. This would allow you to gather concrete evidence from real users to help you decide which variation is better without affecting your entire user base. This type of testing has proven to be useful by many software companies around the world to scale and streamline their products and services.

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A/B Testing in Go with Feature Flags

· 8 min read
Chavez Harris
Inspiration does exist, but it must find you writing code.

When it comes to releasing new features, it is often difficult to anticipate how users will react and interact with them. This is where A/B testing comes in useful. It provides a mechanism to test and evaluate two variations of an app to determine which is better by releasing them to an isolated user segment before a full deployment. This level of flexibility allows developers to quickly experiment with new features without affecting the production environment.

How to use feature flags in GO cover