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11 posts tagged with "AB testing"

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· 11 min read
Emil Kovačević

A/B tests are a powerful technique to optimize user experience and maximize player engagement in games. They allow for informed, data-driven decisions, ensuring that game developers can regularly refine and enhance gameplay mechanics, visuals, and other aspects of the game, ultimately leading to higher player satisfaction and increased success in the gaming industry.

Let's see how to execute such a test in a game created with Godot, using ConfigCat for feature flag management and Amplitude for analytics.

Godot AB Test Cover

· 6 min read
Roxana Halați

Improving your digital product over time is a sure way to keep your target audience engaged and your business running smoothly. Rewarding specific users, such as loyal customers, can be an effective way of increasing customer loyalty and brand recognition.

In this article, I’m exploring how feature flags can be used in a C#10 console application for simple user targeting and feature management, while walking you through an easy-to-reproduce example.

Feature Flags in CSharp Cover

· 9 min read
Roxana Halați

Releasing your digital product on the market is both an exciting and terrifying process. Whether you’ve created a mobile app or another type of software product, seeing it in the hands of real users is the ultimate achievement. But, simply building a wonderful product is not enough to ensure its long-term success. Over time, you’ll inevitably want to make changes and updates to your app.

But how can you be sure you’re making the right changes? It’s impossible to read your clients’ minds, but A/B testing might just be the next best thing. In this article, I’ll guide you through conducting an A/B test on an Android (Kotlin) application using ConfigCat’s feature flag management system and Amplitude.

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· 9 min read
Emil Kovačević

It has become very common to use e-commerce websites to conduct shopping. Today, e-commerce is a large and competitive market with many options for consumers to choose from. Because of this, E-Commerce companies need to find ways to differentiate themselves and retain customers. One popular method that companies use to improve their website's performance and drive up sales is to conduct A/B testing.

By doing A/B tests, businesses can test different versions of their web pages and app features to see which ones perform best with their audience.

A/B testing in .NET Cover photo

· 7 min read
Chavez Harris

Suppose you have two variations of a software product but you're not sure which one to deploy. The solution would be to conduct an A/B test in which you can release each variation to a small percentage of users. This would allow you to gather concrete evidence from real users to help you decide which variation is better without affecting your entire user base. This type of testing has proven to be useful by many software companies around the world to scale and streamline their products and services.

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· 9 min read
Chavez Harris

Let's say your team has developed a new feature update and is planning to release it to the public. There can be some uncertainty and risk because it is hard to predict how users will react to the change. Will the new update have a negative impact and drive users away from the app? The best way to know for sure is to adopt an A/B testing approach by releasing it to a subset of users to measure its impact prior to making a full deployment. This gives you enough room to uncover bugs and refine the feature without disrupting the experience for everyone.

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· 8 min read
David Herbert

The ability to make good decisions is often the leading factor in the success of a business. Yet, it is becoming increasingly difficult for companies to decide on what ideas to develop and content to optimize for users with certainty that it will perform as predicted.

Variation IDs Cover Image

Feature flagging is a vital technique that enables businesses to perform controlled A/B test experiments to gauge and analyze the impact of their decisions. A/B testing can effectively improve a business's overall performance and boost conversion rates by comparing and contrasting multiple implementations based on their performance with real users.

· 9 min read
Zayyad Muhammad Sani

Scenario: You’ve thought up a small change for your app. You write and test the code, and everything looks good. As you’re about to push it into production, you stop and ask yourself, “Will the users like this?”

You start having doubts, that maybe the idea isn’t as good as you previously thought. Still, you continue to have a strong feeling that it’ll make your app better.

One solution to this dilemma is to gradually introduce the change to a portion of users and track its impact on them. This is called A/B testing, and it’s a simple, low-risk way of letting your users pick which variant yields better results.

· 7 min read
David Herbert

Product managers are responsible for deciding what products to develop that align with the company's goals and also satisfy the needs of the customers. To be a successful product manager, you have to start by defining what a winning product looks like and iterate over it until it's right. To do so, you have to understand that at its core, a product is broken down into its features and quality of user experience.

However, when developing these features, even after thoroughly testing them in your development environment for potential bugs and issues that may negatively impact user experience, it may not always be sufficient to ensure a successful release to users.

· 9 min read
Ibrahem Abukhalil

Most companies believe they understand the customer, only to be shocked when their customers behave differently than what they expected, either intentionally or unintentionally. That's where A/B testing comes in to kick all these doubts and prevent the shock.

We’ll play around to see how A/B testing works with ConfigCat’s feature flag management service to take your experiments to the next level by giving you the ability to remotely control and configure your features without going back to the code.