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· 11 min read
Emil Kovačević

A/B tests are a powerful technique to optimize user experience and maximize player engagement in games. They allow for informed, data-driven decisions, ensuring that game developers can regularly refine and enhance gameplay mechanics, visuals, and other aspects of the game, ultimately leading to higher player satisfaction and increased success in the gaming industry.

Let's see how to execute such a test in a game created with Godot, using ConfigCat for feature flag management and Amplitude for analytics.

Godot AB Test Cover

· 7 min read
Zayyad Muhammad Sani

If there's one thing we don't tolerate here at ConfigCat, that's terrible customer support. Our customers are important to us, and we try our best to provide all the help we can so that they get the best out of our services. In this article, we'll look at how we ensure that our customers have a hassle-free experience when using our service.

Various means of support

· 5 min read

Despite their best efforts, many individuals have been unsuccessful in their business pursuits. For Elon Musk, one of the world's richest men, the story is a little different. He succeeded in one of his earliest business ventures (Zip2) and has since replicated his success across PayPal, Tesla, and SpaceX.

While not everyone agrees with his decisions, he has set himself apart by being a visionary leader. He stubbornly holds on to his dreams until they are fulfilled. He is also known for hiring the most qualified hands to get things done. Musk doesn't hold back from trying out new ideas, and he swiftly implements changes he believes are best for his businesses.

Twitter Verified

· 6 min read
Roxana Halați

Improving your digital product over time is a sure way to keep your target audience engaged and your business running smoothly. Rewarding specific users, such as loyal customers, can be an effective way of increasing customer loyalty and brand recognition.

In this article, I’m exploring how feature flags can be used in a C#10 console application for simple user targeting and feature management, while walking you through an easy-to-reproduce example.

Feature Flags in CSharp Cover

· 6 min read
Roxana Halați

In software development, being quick is always an asset. In a world where everything moves at a nauseating speed, you can’t afford to waste time. This means every second counts, especially when it comes to loading a website! Fortunately, frameworks are constantly evolving and becoming faster and lighter every day. In this written piece, we'll look at development in Qwik with the help of feature flags.

Cover Image Feature Flags in Qwik

· 7 min read
Roxana Halați

There’s nothing quite as exciting as seeing your app live on Google Play or the App Store. The culmination of months, if not years, of hard work can bring a sense of accomplishment, but with it comes the pressure of ensuring that your digital product functions as intended and meets the needs of your users.

Whether you’re planning to launch your first app or are a veteran in releases, you’re probably aware of the review process your app must go through before it can go live on the store. These reviews can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days, depending on the complexity of your app and the number of apps waiting to be reviewed.

Google Play on Mobile Screen

· 5 min read
David Herbert

Tests! They've been haunting us since our school days when even the mere mention of the word would send shivers down our spines and make us dream of a world without pop quizzes.

Well, guess what? The world of software development didn't get the memo! In fact, they've gone and upped the ante with a little something called "testing in production." Oh, the nightmare! It's like a horror movie where the monster lurking around the corner is a bug that slipped through QA!

no other option but to test in production

· 6 min read
David Herbert

The role of a "developer advocate" has gained significant traction in recent years, thanks to leading tech giants like Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, Twitter, and Google. This role is particularly prevalent in technology companies that cater to developers. But what exactly does it entail? Who can become a developer advocate, and what qualities are essential to succeed in this role?

Who is a developer advocate

· 12 min read
Emil Kovačević

At ConfigCat, we always prioritize our customers' feedback and requests to ensure we provide the best experience possible. That's why we took action on a user suggestion to support browser extensions based on the Manifest V3 platform.

We're excited to announce the release of our ConfigCat SDK for Chromium Extensions. This SDK is a specialized fork of our JavaScript SDK. Designed to allow for easy incorporation of our feature flag services into browser add-ons, it features a specialized cache implementation leveraging the API, which enables proper SDK functionality.

ConfigCat Extensions SDK