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Feature Flag Retirement

· 5 min read
Marko Benjak
It works on my machine.

With the constant growing digitalization, our lives are continually enhanced by innovative features that simplify daily tasks. Central to this seamless integration of new functionalities is the concept of feature flagging—a powerful tool that allows developers to effortlessly toggle software components on or off.

This flexibility enables modifications without the need to redeploy or risk breaking the entire software infrastructure, offering tailored experiences to specific clients, regions, or user groups. Feature flags extend beyond mere software development, unlocking a plethora of versatile applications across various domains.

However, the utility of feature flags is primarily intended for temporary use and demands a strategic approach for their retirement. Hence, understanding the nuances of feature flag retirement is essential in maintaining an efficient and clean codebase.

Feature Flag Retirement Notes

Feature Management in the IoT World - Challenges and Solutions

· 8 min read
David Herbert
Changing the world, one line of code at a time

The Internet of Things (known as IoT) is a rapidly growing field that refers to the interconnection of everyday objects, devices, and systems through the internet. This allows them to collect, exchange, and process data without requiring human intervention. IoT is changing how we live, work, and interact with our environment. It affects smart homes, wearable health devices, industrial automation, and smart cities.

This interconnectedness comes with a new set of challenges for developers. How do you manage this complex ecosystem's ever-growing number of features and updates? How do you ensure your devices are always up-to-date, secure, and functioning optimally? This article explores feature management in the IoT world and some of the challenges and solutions.

illustration of the IoT world

Using ConfigCat for Staged Rollouts and Canary Releases

· 9 min read
Chavez Harris
Inspiration does exist, but it must find you writing code.

The primary goal of software developers is to ensure user satisfaction with the features or updates they introduce. However, achieving this goal can be challenging without the right release strategy. The question often asked, then, is, "How can developers be certain that a new update or feature delivers optimal results to end users?"

Two strategies that can be employed to address this concern are staged rollouts and canary releases. These strategies can be implemented using feature flags, and in this article, we explore how ConfigCat, a popular feature flag provider, can be used to perform staged rollouts and canary releases.

Using ConfigCat for Staged Rollouts and Canary Releases cover

ConfigCat's New Pricing Policy

· 5 min read
David Herbert
Changing the world, one line of code at a time

Change, while sometimes challenging, often paves the way for growth and improvement. In light of this, and with our ongoing commitment to providing our users with the best possible experience, we are writing to announce an important shift in our pricing policy.

Our goal at ConfigCat has always been to balance quality service with sustainable pricing. In light of recent developments, we have had to make some adjustments to our pricing policy to accommodate the current market conditions and ensure that we continue to offer competitive and transparent pricing to our users.

pricing policy cover image

User Segments and Their Role in Business

· 9 min read
David Herbert
Changing the world, one line of code at a time

In a world where customers are diverse and ever-changing, user segmentation provides the roadmap for businesses to navigate the intricacies of their target audience. Clearly understanding your target audience is crucial for success, especially in today's global business landscape and often broad user base. User segmentation isn't just a fancy term; it's a game-changer for business and marketing. When you really get what makes each user group tick, you can make marketing magic happen, keep customers happy, and watch your business grow.

Skipping Test Environments for Faster and Safer Deployments

· 6 min read
Chavez Harris
Inspiration does exist, but it must find you writing code.

For a long time, it was normal to initially release a new feature or update into a test environment. If the feature passed, it was then released to the production environment. While this approach was highly respected and beneficial, it introduced more complexity into software development workflows, and releases took longer to reach end-users. Fortunately, with a mechanism known as feature flagging, you can deploy directly to production and ship releases faster while maintaining reliability.

Skipping Test Environments for Faster and Safer Deployments

The Impact of Feature Flags on Software Testing

· 10 min read
David Herbert
Changing the world, one line of code at a time

Software testing is crucial in software development as it ensures that a piece of software is bug-free and performs as expected, guaranteeing the quality and reliability of the final product. This is especially true in the current fast-paced market climate, where delivering a high-quality, bug-free software experience that meets user expectations is paramount to success.

impact of feature flags

How to Use ConfigCat Feature Flags with Docker

· 11 min read
Chavez Harris
Inspiration does exist, but it must find you writing code.

Docker is a platform that enables developers to build apps and run them in mini virtual machines called containers. As a result, developers can just focus on writing code without needing to set up or configure an environment for running that code. Docker also allows easy application sharing because its environment is abstracted away from the host machine. This allows the containerized application to run on any host machine Docker is installed on. Developers can extend the functionality of Docker's desktop application with extensions. But the goodness doesn't stop there. You can use feature flags to control smaller feature components of these extensions without rebuilding and updating them.

Feature flags with docker cover

Reducing the Impact of Layoffs with Feature Flags

· 8 min read
Zayyad Muhammad Sani
You live, you learn.

As you might have heard by now, the tech world is undergoing massive layoffs due to the looming recession. Big tech companies like Twitter, Meta, Google, and Amazon have all announced massive job cuts in the past few months. Software developers are on the receiving end in 2023, accounting for 20% of layoffs, according to data from workforce intelligence firm Revelio Labs.

Apart from the stress and anxiety it causes employees who were let go, layoffs can disrupt the rhythm of development teams and impact how projects move forward. The developers that survive layoffs are expected to keep everything running smoothly despite their smaller numbers. They'll have to explore strategies that will allow them to continue working efficiently and produce high-quality software without overworking themselves.

Layoffs and similar words

Interview with ConfigCat Engineers

· 10 min read
Chavez Harris
Inspiration does exist, but it must find you writing code.

As a front-end developer, I spend most of my time writing code and developing front-end applications. Several months ago, I wondered what it would be like to run a tech startup. It turns out that I spend my spare time writing blog articles for such a company. Meet ConfigCat, a thriving tech startup that offers a cloud-hosted feature flagging solution to other tech companies.

Most importantly, I was curious to know how the company was created and the secret behind its success, as well as how they are able to handle high-end user demands while delivering a seamless feature flagging solution. To answer these questions, I decided to conduct an online interview with the core engineering team to satisfy my curiosity and to share what I found with you, the reader.

Interview with ConfigCat Engineers