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· 6 min read
Jan Sipos

Separating your customers into distinct segments will help your product in all sorts of ways. It can help you track the usage of your app in a more meaningful and granular way. It can also reveal how specifically different segments behave differently, which will help you prioritize future feature development as well as focus your marketing efforts.

Graphs and charts representing user segmentation

· 5 min read
Petrina Georgousi

Last July, the Privacy Shield, which had been so useful for companies doing business on both sides of the Atlantic, became ineffective. It took us all by surprise, since it was quite a new program (only 4 years old) building the framework for exchange of information and data between the United States (US) and the European Union (EU) and it had eased a lot the business between the two markets.


· 5 min read
Csilla Kisfaludi

When we designed ConfigCat, our main purpose was to create an architecture that is scalable and resilient to short interruptions, so you don't have to worry about latency, service outages, and unwanted glitches in the system.

ConfigCat's Global CDN map

· 3 min read

Ever since we heard about Zapier we have been ecstatic by the possibilities this could bring to our platform. Zapier is an integration platform that allows you to easily connect multiple platforms by taking inputs from one service and outputting them to another service. While software integration is common, some integration may not be appropriate for your technology stack, or native integration may not yet be supported. This is where Zapier can step in and save the day.

· 3 min read
Endre Toth

A updated version of this blog post is available here.

Nowadays, thanks to modern continuous delivery tools, many software development processes make it easy to deliver multiple releases per week. It is often common for several scheduled releases per week to be released. The usual practice is that during the release process, DevOps guys keep their eyes on the monitoring dashboard, and if they find any anomalies, they roll back the version.

But what happens if someone changes a feature flag's value (release toggles) in the production environment?

Release Toggles allow incomplete and un-tested code paths to be shipped to production as latent code which may never be turned on.

DevOps are notified that a certain threshold has been reached for the production environment and that when they open a related metric they see something similar:

DataDog Dashboard

· 5 min read
Csilla Kisfaludi

Nowadays, almost each and every business uses some sort of web application, so cyberattacks are becoming a daily struggle for huge enterprises as well as for small businesses. It’s not enough for programmers to build an application that looks great and works smoothly. Many consumers are getting aware of the need for security in the applications they are using.

As ConfigCat is a Software as a Service business with applications running in the cloud, we take security as seriously as reliability. Here are the security measures we take to ensure that we deliver a secure application.

ConfigCat's security framework title