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The Understated Importance of Clean Code

· 10 min read
Vlad Spatariu
Preparing to appease our future AI overlords.

Good code is one of the most valuable commodities in technology. Code quality can affect everything from code execution time and application load times, to how easy it is to maintain, read, and debug.

It can also play a significant role in your company's competitiveness. If your competitors are spending more time fixing bugs than adding features, then they're losing ground to you.

Clean Code is important

Two Technical terms that can save your project!

Code Hygiene goes hand in hand with avoiding Tech Debt and these two should be THE backbone of your company’s philosophy!

Heavy industry, AI and feature flags - a fruitful customer success story

· 8 min read
Raluca Mihăilă
Marketing Strategist focused on sustainable solutions for a Wellbeing Economy.

At the beginning of this year, Andrew Reeman from Control Point was kind enough to join our conversation about what we actually do differently at ConfigCat, or at least interesting enough so that it only makes sense for our clients to stick with us and for those who didn’t try our approach and products, to do so.


Eucalyptus VC - How Feature Flags Boosted Growth

· 6 min read
Vlad Spatariu
Preparing to appease our future AI overlords.


When growing any product or service, it’s to constantly gather feedback from your user base. And I mean constantly, else you risk losing focus from your real clients’ needs and priorities.

Let’s Talk Real-World Experiences

To drive this point home, I figured that the best course of action was to collect some valuable insight from a third-party. Joseph Harris, who works at Eucalyptus was kind enough to take the time and offer just that.

How to send feature flag change notifications to DataDog

· 3 min read
Endre Toth
Large scale enterprise development expert. The father of our SDKs and infrastructure.

Thanks to the latest CI/CD tools and services, software companies can now deliver multiple releases in a week. Over the release process, it's expected that DevOps professionals keep their eyes on the monitoring dashboard and roll-back the deployment on the first suspicion. Since the use of feature flags gets more and more traction, it seems like a good idea to connect those releases and the monitoring tools.

DataDog Dashboard

User Segmentation with Amplitude and ConfigCat

· 6 min read
Jan Sipos
One good test is worth a thousand expert opinions.

Separating your customers into distinct segments will help your product in all sorts of ways. It can help you track the usage of your app in a more meaningful and granular way. It can also reveal how specifically different segments behave differently, which will help you prioritize future feature development as well as focus your marketing efforts.

Graphs and charts representing user segmentation

Privacy Shield revoked - Where does ConfigCat stand?

· 5 min read
Petrina Georgousi
Citizen of the world. Lifelong learner and writer.

Last July, the Privacy Shield, which had been so useful for companies doing business on both sides of the Atlantic, became ineffective. It took us all by surprise, since it was quite a new program (only 4 years old) building the framework for exchange of information and data between the United States (US) and the European Union (EU) and it had eased a lot the business between the two markets.


ConfigCat’s Reliability Framework

· 5 min read
Csilla Kisfaludi
Tech support by day, movie addict by night, crazy cat lady 24/7.

When we designed ConfigCat, our main purpose was to create an architecture that is scalable and resilient to short interruptions, so you don't have to worry about latency, service outages, and unwanted glitches in the system.

ConfigCat's Global CDN map