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· 3 min read
David Herbert

There's nothing more frustrating than writing up a thoughtful, intentional feature request to your favorite service provider and then not getting a response or subsequent feedback.

At ConfigCat, we understand the importance of feature requests because we know that our service becomes more successful when our customers are happy and their needs are met.

As a result, we keep track of each of our customers' feature requests to help us make informed product decisions and implement the features that matter most.

· 7 min read
David Herbert

Product managers are responsible for deciding what products to develop that align with the company's goals and also satisfy the needs of the customers. To be a successful product manager, you have to start by defining what a winning product looks like and iterate over it until it's right. To do so, you have to understand that at its core, a product is broken down into its features and quality of user experience.

However, when developing these features, even after thoroughly testing them in your development environment for potential bugs and issues that may negatively impact user experience, it may not always be sufficient to ensure a successful release to users.

· 9 min read
Ibrahem Abukhalil

Most companies believe they understand the customer, only to be shocked when their customers behave differently than what they expected, either intentionally or unintentionally. That's where A/B testing comes in to kick all these doubts and prevent the shock.

We’ll play around to see how A/B testing works with ConfigCat’s feature flag management service to take your experiments to the next level by giving you the ability to remotely control and configure your features without going back to the code.

· 3 min read
Andrew Sellick

At Kantan, we're changing the lives of tradespeople by giving them the tools to excel in a competitive marketplace. Our product is a React Native app that helps them serve customers, manage operations and grow their business. We have thousands of tradespeople managing hundreds of thousands of jobs on our platform. And we are just getting started. helps trade professionals work smarter

To enable us to grow and scale on the journey to become the number one application for tradespeople in the UK, we need to move quickly, pushing our product and features to market faster than our competitors whilst maintaining quality and ensuring we have complete control over our production environment.

· 6 min read
Endre Toth
Vlad Spatariu

Features can sometimes reach a high-enough level of complexity that simply cramming the entire thing behind a single feature flag and calling it a day becomes widely impractical.

More modular feature control needs to be thought of and implemented beforehand. Since such scenarios happen quite often all throughout development, a more advanced form of feature flag management is needed.

Understanding the Flag Hierarchy

While the base concept of feature flagging remains untouched (in the sense that they still toggle stuff on and off), feature flags nowadays tend to act more like an interconnected web of toggles where they may or may not be dependent on each other to run. The main benefit of all this added complexity is the ability to use flags to control certain parts of a feature in a very modular and clean way.

· 8 min read
Manuel Popa

Growing up as a child of the ’90s has always been a bitter-sweet kind of experience, but it certainly also came with a multitude of benefits. We’ve been exposed to countless priceless moments that have come and passed, moments that stand to make history and which may never be experienced again by newer generations. One such example of a beautiful lived-through historical moment is growing up with the fabled Space Invaders game.


Simple yet memorable, Space Invaders made waves across the world and undoubtedly served as a catalyst for the revival of a previously stale and dying gaming industry that’s now priced at no less than 173.7 billion USD.