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Targeting, Segmentation, and Canary Releases for beginners

· 5 min read
Zoltan David
One with a vision, answers and a master plan.
Roxana Halați
I'm pretty cool, but I cry a lot.

Picture this: You’ve added a new feature to your software, linked it to a feature flag, and deployed it to production. Now, you’d like to enable this feature for a subset of your users to get their feedback before you take the leap and roll it out to everyone.

But who gets to see this new feature first? How do you choose the first user segment? How do you use feature flag rules to target them?

Good to know: Feature flags let you launch new features and change your software configuration without (re)deploying code.

Let’s look at some typical real-world examples of how you can do canary releases using ConfigCat.


How to use ConfigCat's feature flags in Solid.js

· 5 min read
Chavez Harris
Inspiration does exist, but it must find you writing code.

When it comes to smooth deployment and roll-out of new features in software products, feature flags play a critical role. Across software development workflows like agile, they are becoming essential. I have found that using them drastically reduced the risk of adversely affecting user experience since they enable me to quickly disable a new feature if unintentional bugs are discovered.

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Easier Feature Flag Management Using Integrations

· 2 min read
Gergely Sinka
"Not all code paths return a value." - VS
Lajos Szoke
The one man army, who single-handedly built the heart and soul of ConfigCat.
Roxana Halați
I'm pretty cool, but I cry a lot.

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past two years, chances are you’re well-acquainted with today’s hybrid work environment and the tools that come with the territory. Platforms such as Jira, Trello and Slack are well established as tools that enable high-level remote collaboration and task management. ConfigCat provides straightforward integrations with Jira, Trello, and Slack that allow for higher visibility and easier, more convenient feature flag management. In this blog, I’ll go through these feature flag devices one by one, outlining their functionality and how to integrate them.

ConfigCat Integrations cover

A/B Testing an Angular App with ConfigCat

· 9 min read
Chavez Harris
Inspiration does exist, but it must find you writing code.

Knowing up front whether a new feature will improve or worsen user experience can be a challenging decision. If we don't adopt the proper mechanisms and processes to test new features we stand a high risk of introducing new bugs. By incorporating A/B testing into our feature release workflow, we can minimize these situations by testing the new feature with a small sample of users before deploying it.

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Open-source C++ Semantic Versioning (SemVer) library

· 2 min read
David Herbert
Changing the world, one line of code at a time

Softwares and libraries often evolve to include new features, security patches, bug fixes, and refactorings. When software evolves, it may introduce breaking changes (BCs) in its API, breaking the previous contract or compatibility with its clients.

C++ semver announcement cover

Semantic Versioning (SemVer) is a specification for assigning version numbers to software to communicate the degree of change between software releases and updates. However, it turned out the world was missing a proper semantic version library for C++, so we implemented one.

How to use ConfigCat's Feature Flags in Java

· 6 min read
Roxana Halați
I'm pretty cool, but I cry a lot.

Java is one of the most widely used programming languages. Whether you've used it, know someone who has, studied it in university, or despise it, it's no surprise that many software products are developed in Java. So, keep reading if you want to learn how to quickly enable features in Java, with no redeployment and no fuss.

Cover Image ConfigCat and Java

ConfigCat's C++ SDK is now generally available

· 4 min read
Peter Csajtai
Sometimes you just need to make your own dependency injection framework.
Alex G. Mircean
Caught in the Web

Config Cat and C++ illustration

We're proudly announcing our 16th SDK release! ConfigCat's C++ SDK is now generally available. This SDK is a native C++ implementation of ConfigCat's feature flag management service. It is designed to be lightweight, easy to use, and easy to integrate into your C++ projects.

Release Features from Dart with ConfigCat

· 5 min read
Chavez Harris
Inspiration does exist, but it must find you writing code.

When you take your software products offline to add new features, users can become frustrated, especially if their livelihood depends on it. With a new feature, there is always the risk of introducing unanticipated bugs. By incorporating feature flagging into our software release workflow, we can prevent and even lessen these situations.

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Using Variation IDs in ConfigCat for A/B Testing

· 8 min read
David Herbert
Changing the world, one line of code at a time

The ability to make good decisions is often the leading factor in the success of a business. Yet, it is becoming increasingly difficult for companies to decide on what ideas to develop and content to optimize for users with certainty that it will perform as predicted.

Variation IDs Cover Image

Feature flagging is a vital technique that enables businesses to perform controlled A/B test experiments to gauge and analyze the impact of their decisions. A/B testing can effectively improve a business's overall performance and boost conversion rates by comparing and contrasting multiple implementations based on their performance with real users.