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Tímea Kopacz
I have approximate knowledge of many things.
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Introducing Our New Rust SDK - Build Faster and Smarter

· 7 min read
Tímea Kopacz
I have approximate knowledge of many things.

Hey, Rustaceans! We developed the Rust SDK in response to a feature request from one of our customers, OneSignal. When we heard about their needs, we rolled up our sleeves and released the Rust SDK two months later. With it, you can manage feature flags like a pro—whether starting a new project or optimizing an existing app. It allows you to toggle features on and off without redeploying your code. That's right—no more redeploys every time your boss changes their mind about a button color!

With ConfigCat's feature flags, you can gradually roll out new features, rigorously test them (in a controlled environment, of course), and make changes on the fly—all directly from your dashboard! Let's dive into why this is a game-changer for your development workflow.

Introducing ConfigCat Rust SDK Cover

Feature Flags and Cybersecurity - A Layered Defense Approach

· 9 min read
Tímea Kopacz
I have approximate knowledge of many things.

As the world becomes increasingly digital and technology advances, so too do the threats. As a result, we must adapt and learn how to protect and safeguard our online presence, making robust cybersecurity measures more vital than ever before. This is especially important for companies, which generally have more at stake than individuals, necessitating a shift from outdated methods to new strategies to effectively combat cyber attacks.

A hacker fighting ConfigCat feature flags

InfluxDB's Success Story with ConfigCat

· 5 min read
Tímea Kopacz
I have approximate knowledge of many things.

In the ever-evolving world of software development, the ability to create personalized and dynamic user experiences is paramount. This article explores how InfluxDB, a prominent time-series database solution, leveraged ConfigCat's feature flags to enhance their Cloud 2 user testing processes. The insights shared in this article are based on a video presentation by Gavin Cabbage from InfluxDB.

InfluxData and ConfigCat logo cover