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Emil Kovačević
Code hard, debug harder.
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How to use feature flags in Unity

· 10 min read
Emil Kovačević
Code hard, debug harder.

Game development is a complex process that requires constant updates and testing to ensure all ongoing projects run smoothly. When developing games, developers must decide what features to include in their games. However, deciding which features to include can be difficult when there are bugs or other issues with the game. A good way to fix this problem is by using feature flags. By enabling temporary artificial limits on gameplay, game developers can quickly test out changes without affecting their current games. This allows them to quickly fix any issues with the new functionality before making larger updates to their games.

In this tutorial, I will demonstrate how to set ConfigCat flags in Unity.

feature flags in unity cover photo

How to implement A/B testing in Ionic

· 6 min read
Emil Kovačević
Code hard, debug harder.

The world population continues to grow, and so does the number of house pets. While we all hope most of them have a good quality of life, some don't have a home. To combat this, we can make an animal care app. In this blog post, the app's objective is to increase the pet adoption rate. We will change the color of our call-to-action button and measure the click-through rate of each button version using A/B testing.
